
Do not be violent against the legitimate and democratic demands of the people!

Statement of the Iranian branch of the International Association of Sociologists Without Borders

Sociologists Without Borders Association, Iran branch, believes that the peaceful protests of the Iranian people in the fall of 1401 shows the political consciousness of the generations who brought their legitimate demands to the social and public arena.


در مقابل خواست‌های مشروع و دمکراتیک مردم ایستادگی و خشونت نورزید!

 بیانیه شاخه ایرانی انجمن بین‌المللی جامعه‌شناسان بدون مرز


انجمن جامعه‌شناسان بدون مرز، شاخه ایران معتقد است که اعتراضات مسالمت‌جویانه مردم ایران در پاییز ۱۴۰۱ بیانگر بالندگی و شعور سیاسی نسل‌هایی است که مطالبات مشروع خود را به میدان اجتماعی و عرصه عمومی کشانده‌اند.


Statement of the Association of Children’s Rights in support of breaking the silence

 on sexual abuse

The Association of Children’s Rights would like to show support to the act of breaking the silence on any form of sexual abuse and highlight the significance of following up claims by the probable victims. After the published reports in relation to one of the researchers who had the previous experience of working with this association, regardless of correctness of the claims and in the sole act of fulfilling our social responsibility as an association, we need to add the following explanatory note

1- After the completion of the project, Plunder of Childhood(Yaghmaay-e Koodaki), and after presenting the results in June 2019, due to a member’s attitude in opposition to the children’s right agreement, violating some rules of the agreement and after two written warnings to the violator, the Association ended any form of relationship with the mentioned individual [Kameel Ahmady] in that year. 
2- The association is ethically and institutionally responsible to act in full support of its members and colleagues against any form of violence and abuse in relation to the activities within the association. For this reason, the legal committee and association’s inspector are fully prepared to follow up any probable report about this matter until the end.
3- The association should attempt at preventing any form of abuse, including sexual and gender-based abuse, from happening and in an attempt at revising the recruitment process of new members to the association and other civic institutions, it is essential to take proper action, educate and compile preventive guidelines toward establishing equality and safety in working, scientific, education and social environments so that we no longer witness such acts of violence.

#violence #rape #Child #Children #Abuse #Sexual_Absue#Researcher #Association_of_Children_Rights #Legal #lawyer #Inspector


The Statement of the Iranian Sociological Association in relation to revoking Mr Kameel Ahmady’s membership

The ethical contract is the fundamental and inviolable principle of the scientific association, civic institution and the whole society in general. Following the ethical principles, the most important of which are protection and preservation of human dignity and security, is a vital responsibility beyond all other social responsibilities. It is seminal for every individual in society to undertake it. For this reason, deviating from it will result in social reaction against its violators. 


بازداشت، بازجویی، شکنجه و تهدید دانشجویان را متوقف کنید

بیانیه شاخه ایرانی انجمن جامعه‌شناسان بدون مرز:
 بازداشت، بازجویی، شکنجه و تهدید دانشجویان را متوقف کنید!

سرکوب اندیشه و صدای دیگر در جامعه بویژه در بین روشنفکران و متفکران بعنوان پدیده‌ای حاصل از استبداد دینی سال‌هاست که قربانیان بسیاری در ایران به‌همراه داشته است. به‌گواه تاریخ، مهمترین کانون رشد فرهنگی و معرفتی جوامع بر دوش متفکران و اندیشه‌ورزان است، کسانیکه با پرسشگری و چالشگری هنجارهای مسلط و نقد مناسبات قدرت، به‌تغییر وضع موجود و دگرگونی ساختار قدرت در راستای دمکراتیک کردن آن می‌پردازند.